The Current Plan
The general plan to phase out fossil fuels focuses on replacing all fossil fuel-based vehicles with Electric Vehicle Technology (EVT) and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, while phasing out coal- and gas fired electrical power generation.

In practice this means four major tasks
1. Replacing current vehicles with electric and hydrogen vehicles
The current petroleum product fueled ICE vehicles are to be phased out and substituted with Electric Vehicles (EV) powered with lithium-ion batteries, and vehicles powered with Hydrogen Fuel cells (H2-Cell).
2. Phasing out coal and gas fired electrical power generation
Phasing out coal and gas fired electrical power generation and replacing it with solar photovoltaic, wind turbine, hydroelectric, nuclear, geothermal or biowaste to energy power stations.
3. Heating buildings without the use of gas or coal
Currently, this is done predominantly with gas. This study substituted the gas heating systems with electrical heating systems. In some geographical areas, it may be possible to supply the needed heat with geothermal systems.
4. Creating a hydrogen economy
It was recommended in this study that all long-range vehicles and/or heavy vehicles be powered with hydrogen fuel cell systems. This means all HCV semi-trailer trucks, all the intercity rail transport network, and the global maritime shipping fleet, all be hydrogen fuel cell powered. Hydrogen is not an energy fuel, but an energy carrier. It first needs to be manufactured, then stored, and then transported. To do this without fossil fuels requires extra electricity to be drawn of the power grid to produce hydrogen with electrolysis.

Estimation of the quantity of metals to phase out fossil fuels in a full system replacement, compared to mineral resources
Simon P. Michaux. 2024. Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin 416.
Read the full peer-reviewed study