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The Kurikka Aquifer Project in a Nutshell

Years of Studies

After many stops and starts, the Kurikka deep groundwater aquifer has been studied continuously in several individual projects since 2014. The research phase that will start in summer 2022 is already the 9th one. The studies will continue for several years in many phases in order to understand the hydrogeology and water abstraction environmental impact over the region.

Focus Shifting Towards Test Pumpings and Modelling

The extended soil drilling will be completed in 2022. The construction of the 11th and last groundwater production well intended for groundwater extraction is now complete. The focus of the efforts is shifting towards test pumpings and modelling which will give an insight of the dimensions of the aquifer, the volume of water that can be pumped sustainably and the impact of the abstraction on the aquifer and nature, such as the ecosystem.

Next Steps

The planned water extraction volume (approximately 20,000 mᶾ per day) requires a water permit from the Regional State Administrative Agency. Such a permit might also be needed to execute the planned long duration full-volume test pumping. Due to the planned water abstraction volume, the environmental impact and other possible impacts of the Kurikka Aquifer project will be assessed in an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The extensive and long-term groundwater studies are essential for the application of the water permit and the completion of the EIA.