Privacy policy: Layman’s sample practice

Updated 21 May 2018

Controller Geological Survey of Finland
P.O. Box 96, FI-02151 Espoo, Finland
Tel. +358 29 503 0000,
Contact person for register matters Jari Nenonen
Contact details of the data protection officer
Register name Senders of layman’s samples
Purpose of and legal grounds for processing personal data Responding to received layman’s samples to the address provided by senders. Sender data is also saved for any subsequent sample reward. The saving of sender data is indicated on the website of GTK’s layman’s sample practice and on the Facebook page of the layman’s sample practice. In addition, senders are provided with information manually using the Geolöytäjä newsletter.

Data is processed on the basis of the voluntary consent of data subjects (article 6.1a of the GDPR).

Data content of the register and groups of personal data Name and address data about senders of layman’s samples
Storage period for personal data or, if this is not possible, criteria for defining the storage period 50 years
Regular sources of data Data is collected from data subjects.
Recipients of personal data or groups of recipients Valtori
Information about the transfer of data to third countries and protection used (including information about the existence or non-existence of the Commission’s decision on the sufficiency of data protection), and opportunities to obtain a copy or information about content. No data is transferred to third countries.
Principles of register protection (manual material and electronic processing) Name and address data is saved in GTK’s internal database using the Järkky program which is protected by GTK’s regular software protection. Old manual material (collected before 1992) is stored in folders in a locked space in the layman’s sample office.
Rights of data subjects Data subjects have the right to have their data rectified and erased and to accept or refuse their disclosure to third parties (e.g. suppliers). The activities above must be requested from the persons responsible for the register (J. Nenonen/S. Hietala).
If processing is based on consent (article 6.1a) or explicit consent (article 9.2a), information about the right to withdraw consent at any time Consent can be withdrawn immediately by sending a notification to the persons responsible for the register in the layman’s sample office.
Right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority Data subjects have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority of the member state in which their permanent place of residence or business is or in which the suspected breach of the GDPR has taken place.

If the data controller refuses the right of data subjects to access personal data or rectify their data, data subjects can file a complaint with the Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman.

Is the provision of personal data a statutory or contractual requirement or a requirement needed to enter into an agreement? Do data subjects need to provide personal data? What are the consequences of any non-provision of personal data? Name and address data is mandatory. If no sender data is provided, layman’s samples will not be analysed and no response can be given. Instructions on how to send layman’s samples are openly available on GTK’s website and in related material, such as brochures and in “Retkeilijän kiviopas (The Hiker’s Guide to Stones).” Activities are based on openness and voluntariness.
Information about the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, and significant information about the processing-related logic, at least in these cases, and the significance of specific processing and any consequences for data subjects No such functions are used in the register.