Privacy policy: Mineral exploration and landowner permit register

Updated 24 May 2018

Controller Geological Survey of Finland
P.O. Box 96, FI-02151 Espoo, Finland
Tel. +358 29 503 0000,
Contact person for register matters Jarmo Rauhala (Jari Nenonen, substitute)
Contact details of the data protection officer
Register name Mineral exploration and landowner permit register
Purpose of and legal grounds for processing personal data The purpose of use is to conduct GTK’s surveys with landowners’ permission. Legal grounds for processing are based on consent (article 6.1a of the GDPR).

However, surveys may be conducted under the Mining Act, in which case the mineral exploration compensation is based on the Mining Act.

Data content of the register and groups of personal data Estate information, landowner information, contact information and telephone number, account number and amount of compensation.

Data is processed as follows: written consent, map or electronic map, email, GTK’s network disk and databases. The Land Survey of Finland’s databases are used, some of which contain open data. Data can only be processed using, for example, office/geographic information software.

Storage period for personal data or, if this is not possible, criteria for defining the storage period Off-road traffic permits have been defined for permanent storage (regulation of the National Archives of Finland, 2016). Data has been obtained from the landowner and mineral exploration register.

Other personal data is erased on a case-bycase basis according to provisions on storage periods in acts and decrees.

Landowner data intended for surveys under the Mining Act is stored for as long as the permit is valid.

Regular sources of data Databases of the Land Survey of Finland. Data obtained from landowners with their consent.
Recipients of personal data or groups of recipients Data obtained from the Land Survey of Finland is not disclosed to third parties.

For invoicing and payments, data is disclosed to the Finnish Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR (Palkeet).

Permits and consent given by government agencies or other organisations are available to the case management service provider.

Information about the transfer of data to third countries and protection used (including information about the existence or non-existence of the Commission’s decision on the sufficiency of data protection), and opportunities to obtain a copy or information about content. No data is transferred to third countries.
Principles of register protection (manual material and electronic processing) Paper material is located in a locked facility.

Electronic data is stored on a network disk which can only be accessed by a few individuals (administrators of the network disk and databases).

The register is located on a Valtori server within Finland’s boundaries. Valtori’s general information security.

Rights of data subjects

  • Right to access personal data
  • Right to have data rectified
  • Right to have data erased
  • Right to restrict processing
Every data subject has the right to access data and have it rectified.

Data related to permits subject to consent can be requested to be erased by withdrawing consent.

If a data subject objects to the accuracy of data, the data subject can request processing to be restricted, in which case processing will be restricted during the investigation of accuracy.

If processing is based on consent (article 6.1a) or explicit consent (article 9.2a), information about the right to withdraw consent at any time Data subjects can withdraw their consent by contacting the contact person responsible for the register.
Right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority Data subjects have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority of the member state in which their permanent
place of residence or business is or in which the suspected breach of the GDPR has taken place.

If the data controller has refused your right to view your personal data or to correct your data, you can file a complaint with the Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman.

Is the provision of personal data a statutory or contractual requirement or a requirement needed to enter into an
agreement? Do data subjects need to provide personal data? What are the consequences of any non-provision of personal data?
Landowner data is requested from the Land Survey of Finland for surveys conducted with the permission of landowners and
under the Mining Act. GTK obtains landowner data beforehand from the Land Survey of Finland. Consent to giving permission is voluntary for surveys conducted with landowners’ consent.

Compensation paid to landowners for surveys conducted under the Mining Act is based on the Mining Act. If account details are not provided, the payment of compensation will be slower or more difficult.

Information about the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, and significant information about the processing-related logic, at least in these cases, and the significance of specific processing and any consequences for data subjects No automated decision-making is used.