SMARTT – Smart Tailings Facility

Project research area
Circular Economy of Minerals​
Project duration
04.01.2021 - 20.12.2024


SMARTT aims at developing the current GTK Mintec tailings facility into an instrumented Smart Tailings Facility with increased capacity for future operations. At the same time, new approaches and products will be developed based on instrumented long-term testing of mining wastes and structures at the SMARTT facility (WP 2). In addition, new and improved saleable products will be developed for tailings management, tailings optimization, process water recycling, effluent treatment, process mineralogy, and process development (WP 3). The suitability of tailings for use in 3D additive manufacturing will be determined, alongside the development of new geo-material inspired, mineral based 3D printed materials and products (WP4). All of the WPs thus contribute to GTK Mintec product and process development and to the fullest utilization of the Smart Tailings Facility concept, taking advantage of the new infrastructure developments at GTK Mintec. SMARTT closely interacts with the Digitalization project that develops data flows and processes for the new products developed in SMARTT as well as supports and integrates the data acquisition and management functions of the Smart Tailings Facility.

SMARTT is aligned with the goals of the Circular Economy Focus Area and the related S & I roadmap by developing saleable products that help make GTK an internationally recognized provider of solutions for sustainable use of mineral raw materials. These products and services all contribute to digitization, material stewardship, waste management, and water management.

GTK’s self-financed project.

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