Clean Energy System Transition (REPower-CEST)


GTK participates in the REPower-CEST “Clean Energy System Transition” project funded through the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (REPowerEU) during 2024-2026. The project is led by the Finnish Environmental Institute (Syke), with GTK and Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy acting as partners. REPower-CEST was launched at the beginning of 2024 and its total budget is 14 M€. EU funding for the project is channeled through the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and it has been granted for research into the clean energy transition. The main result of the project will be an energy transition roadmap for Finland to the year 2035. With REPowerEU funding, the EU aims to phase out the use of fossil fuels originating from Russia. This will be achieved by saving energy, diversifying energy supplies and accelerating the clean energy transition.

Project objectives

The Clean Energy System Transition project (REPower-CEST) has three main objectives:

  1. To create a holistic view of the solutions, impacts, implementation challenges and opportunities of the clean energy transition that replaces fossil fuels and promotes the green transition.
  2. Provide the information, tools and service concepts needed to analyse, manage, and address the environmental, economic, and social challenges and risks of the clean energy transition.
  3. Develop an essential knowledge base and a roadmap for sustainable and just transition of clean energy in Finland by 2035.

The project produces materials, models and tools to support decision-making. The main objective is to develop a roadmap for a sustainable and just transition of clean energy in Finland by 2035. The work leading to the development of the roadmap will be carried out in cooperation with stakeholders.

Project implementation

The implementation of the REPower-CEST project is divided into seven work packages:

  • WP1: Analysis and modelling of the current and future energy system
  • WP2: Climate and environmental impacts of the clean energy transition
  • WP3: Critical raw materials for the clean energy transition and reporting under the CRMA
  • WP4: Economic and employment impacts of the clean energy transition
  • WP5: Policy analyses on energy security and just transition
  • WP6: Roadmap for the clean energy transition 2035
  • WP7: Management, reporting and communication

GTK is responsible for the raw materials package (work package 3), which is linked to the value chains and availability of raw materials critical to the energy transition in Finland and the EU area. The work carried out in the project will support the promotion of national obligations under the EU Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA). Work package 3 includes the following sub-packages: 1) bottlenecks in the supply of raw materials for energy supply, 2) formulation of a national exploration concept with concept testing at Northern Finland, 3) critical raw material potential of secondary raw materials from mining waste facilities, 4) regional hydrogeological analysis, 5) development of the mining waste add-on in the METSO database, 6) automation of the identification of potential raw materials in mineral processing, and 7) study of the mineral processing properties of mining waste. In addition, GTK’s work includes geothermal energy studies as input into VTT’s overall energy model (TP1), the climate impact assessment of solar power land use on peatlands (part of TP2), and participation in the fairness assessment of the regulation of critical raw materials (TP5). In addition, GTK is involved in the preparation of the Roadmap for the Clean Energy Transition (WP6) and in the stakeholder work of the project, as well as in the implementation of the ‘New actions and scenarios for national energy and climate policy’ work linked to the project.

The largest sections of GTK’s responsibilities are 1) the formulation for the national exploration concept and 2) the study of the potential of critical raw materials in mining waste facilities. Both support the EU’s ambition to become more self-sufficient in the production of critical raw materials and support the implementation of CRMA’s national obligations.

The REPower-CEST project will create foundations for the national mineral exploration concept as it pertains to the research institution (GTK). The work includes testing the concept with mineral potential studies at Northern Finland (Peräpohja belt). During 2024, geophysical measurements, such as reflection seismic profile measurements and gravity measurements, will be carried out in the area. Based on these measurements and existing data, the structural architecture of the area’s mineral systems will be modelled with 3D modelling and updated prospectivity models will be produced. In addition, a characterisation of the Vähäjoki Fe-Cu-Co-Au deposit will be carried out.

Mining waste facility surveys focus on 10–15 areas in Finland. To verify the concentrations of minerals/metals, a preliminary classification of waste and a preliminary study of the valuable material potential will be carried out. In addition, sampling and analyses will be made at waste facilities with the aim of gaining an idea of the recovery potential and the need for further research. ​In the most promising sites, the processing of tailings will be investigated. In addition to technical factors, the impacts associated with the potential exploitation of the deposits are assessed mostly from an environmental perspective but also social and economic aspects will be studied. The most relevant results will be collected in the METSO database and reported in accordance with the UNFC system of the UN Classification of Raw Materials.

Contact person: Mari Kivinen


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