Siirry asiantuntijahakuun
My research spans multiple disciplines such as seismic reflection, basin analysis, stratigraphy, sedimentology, volcanology, igneous systems, and tectonics. I am enthusiastic to explore geoenergy resources, including geothermal energy and new CO2 and hydrogen geostorage technologies. Previous expertise includes five years working as a petroleum exploration geologist offshore Brazil, gold mining exploration in New Zealand, and over seven years as an academic researcher with the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Since 2021, I have been working as a research specialist with the GTK’s Geoenergy Solutions Group, developing scientific and commercial projects designed to increase geothermal energy uptake in Nordic countries and globally. Currently, I am mostly interested to understand how the natural porosity and permeability of crystalline rocks can create opportunities for geothermal developments associated with crustal fault zones and ancient and modern igneous systems.
Projektit ja julkaisut:
Processes controlling volcanic and epiclastic reservoir formation in a buried polygenetic stratocone
Seismic Geomorphology, Architecture and Stratigraphy of Volcanoes Buried in Sedimentary Basins
Storing CO2 in buried volcanoes
Volcanoes buried in Te Riu-a-Māui/Zealandia sedimentary basins