Sample archives and collections
Over its 130 years of operations, the Geological Survey of Finland has amassed a significant range of different research material that has been supplemented with material assigned to us from other organisations. Part of the material (final reports, ready-made map and spatial data products, etc.) can be downloaded from the Hakku service mainly free of charge.
Sample datasets
Geological surveys and the assessment of raw material resources also includes taking a substantial number of physical samples and some of this material will be stored for future re-use. The measurement and analytical data for sampling based on the original requirements has been stored in the GTK data warehouses. However, external organisations may have the need for conducting new and different analyses and interpretations on the same material.
Please note! Rights for using raw research and sample data usually require an agreement with GTK. The reasons for this are, for instance, due to the fact that there are restrictions imposed for the use of some research data and the handling of sample data needs to be regulated in order to safeguard a user community that is as wide-reaching as possible.

Bedrock sample analysis powders
Processed rock powders produced from various bedrock samples (e.g. drill cores, rock piece and block samples) for the purpose of chemical analyses. Includes e.g. a lithogeochemical dataset
More information on bedrock sample powders
Bedrock samples for chronological dating
Whole rock grab samples and the separation products produced during the processing of the samples. Used to determine the geological age of the rock.
More information on chronological samples
Type samples from bedrock surveys
Mostly grab samples taken with a rock hammer from surface of the outcrop for the purpose of making bedrock maps.
More information on bedrock survey samples
Thin sections from bedrock research and mapping
Thin rock slab samples (light-permeable) produced for the purpose of microscopic study.
More infromation on the sample collection
Mineral and rock type collection
Samples of domestic and foreign minerals, rock types, precious stones and gemstones, fossils, meteorites, and soil types. Also includes a large collection of simulated diamonds and gold nuggets.
More information on the collection
Till geochemistry survey samples
The samples have been taken from unaltered moraine (horizon C) below the groundwater table at a depth of approximately 1.5–2 metres. They are combined field samples and intended for determining the chemical properties of moraine resources for the needs of mineral exploration and environmental research.
More information on till samples
Diatom slides
Diatom samples taken from the bottom sediments. Microscopic permanent preparations, used to determine the history and development of a body of water, including its water quality.
More information on diatom slides
Pollen preparates
Comprises the reference collection for pollen in addition to the model collection and various samples taken from commissioned surveys. Used for determining climate and flora development during the Ice Age and post-Ice Age period.
More information on pollen preparates
Drill Core Archive
Solid rock samples extracted from the bedrock with a core drill that have been taken for the purposes of ore exploration, rock construction and bedrock surveying.
More information on deep drilling samples
Peat study samples
Summary of dataset content: Peat samples from researched mires taken for laboratory analysis. The samples are used for climate change research and research on the carbon balance of mires as well as to develop peat products with a high processing rate.
More information on peat samples